I would be in for a set to test, don't expect them to be free. Won't know what they will do if you don't try. :thumb:
for the people that have legitimately pm'd me to test these ill pm you the test data and material data thanks for being willing to try something else out
I will spell it out for you.
If you give away 4 sets to reputable engine builders and they hold up you will sell the other 90 sets in a hurry.
If you continue to make claims about how they hold up in your personal build and then try and sell 4 sets "at a loss" for testing you will have 90 sets that never leave the comfort of your shop.....
Will be interesting to see if we have members dumb enough to fall for this.
I don't think anyone had said they are trash, just entirely unproven.im trying to get a few sets out there with any luck there will be some feedback soon. no point just people saying there trash lets just see how they go as stated iv got them in my truck 100 over sticks 12mm cp3 with a big single nearly maxed out and no complaints so far so will get these other 2 motors running and see how they go. and then we wil see from a couple of others who have pm'd me how we go
i had all new forgings designed and all the best materials available used in them
so whats the tensile strength of these things?
whats the material make up of them?
where have the metals come from (we dont need specifics, just if they are over seas from china or Australian or US).
How is your quality control for the steels?
how many failed your standard?
After being ran and abused, how far off of spec have they become since they were first placed in the motor?
you should very well be able to answer 90% of these questions. Carrillo and Crower have no issue doing so.
I got quotes on forging dies for building rods as I was interested in this at one point. It cost 30k to get setup to forge rods guys... How in the heck are you making any money selling at 1500??
HE didn't forge them... He paid a China shop to make a new dies to his design specs and complete the forgings then send them to him to finish machining is my guess.
I'd get up a few dollars if some others would also to have some sets sent to some shops with engine dynos like Empire, Fleece, Wagler (think they have a dyno?), and a set to Danville to go through the riggers on his chassis dyno with cylinder monitoring.