How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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chock full of goodies
Jul 7, 2010
Col. Ohio
The fact that the Ohio governor tested positive, then miraculously tested negative, should show everybody that the numbers are bogus. Is everybody else getting tested two to three times? Nope.... it has been completely blown out of proportion. Luckily I still have work coming in, so the bs hasn't affected me. I feel sorry for the people that have had there world flipped upside down with having to essentially home school there kids, our lost there job over this nonsense.
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Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
I know people that have caught it and they say it is NOT fun, pretty sure they are not taking a 2-week vacation and making up a bullshit story about how they felt and still feel. So many people think it is a false BS story and it really doesn't exist, sooooooooo here we have it still spreading around and people are dying.

It’s never going away, ever. It’s here on earth with us forever. People will die from it every year for the rest of time. None of us think it’s bs or doesn’t exist. My wife granddad just died from it, her grandmother survived it. I get sick of being compared to other countries, and people saying we didn’t do enough, we did flatten the curve, and if you look at the facts we are doing better than most other countries. The media has not been reporting the truth, remember their job is to get ratings (viewers) and make money. You don’t make much money selling the truth.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Only 1 out of the 100 actually get the bag over the head. The 10 out of 100 equals hospitilasation rate of infected which, get to hang out in the ever growing room, and can be snagged for public execution at any time during thier 4 week service..

Personally I wish George Carlin was still around to explain it better. I can just imagine his take. "So we take 1000 random people, all working class, no rich because they all fled to private island on private jets, and we walk these sorry smucks out on stage, with flashing lights and patriotic music, say a nice word or two, and then one person pulls a bag over the head of person beside him, and choked the living fuck out of that person until dead. Now we have 999 people on the stage minus the 3 who tried run out the back door and were shot by security. So we continue to pass the bag until we get 999 dead and one guy left holding the bag!!"

I can only imagine what he'd say we do with the guy left holding the bag. But at end of the day, every day, ya still have 1000 dead people on a stage, and good reflection of the USA response to covid-19 to date.

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I've said since day one this is just a good test run for how we handle something major mother nature throws at us later on. If it was Ebola, 85% mortality of those infected, we'd be hosed right now. But luckily it's nothing close, just sneakier in its approach. And it's just got rolling, with no major downside mutations yet. So it might just become another form of flu strain down the road.

However I feel we get numb to death pretty quickly here in the states. With no real visual body stack, unless you know someone who dies, not our problem. So I suggest a more visual approach to the message. We gather up random groups of 100 people every day, pick 10 and stick those in a room for for 4 weeks to represent the hospitalized. Once a day at 6pm nightly news hour, we grab one person from that room and walk them in front of the camera and pull a clear plastic bag over their head and suffocate them to death on live TV. That's your reality on bests/ lowest figures. Now to get real, gonna need to scale that lottery up a bit, like 1000 times. But I think it would bring more clarity to the situation as it stands.

On a funny note, saw 3 face masks hanging from mirrors in parking one day last week. Didn't see those people actually wearing a mask, but o'well, I started a trend.. lol

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Damn...this leaves me speechles.
You really just suggested random public exacuations just because the public isn’t fearful enough for your standards? Ok why stop at Covid? Let’s do that for everything just so everybody can be more fearful. We can kill 1 in 100 people for car accidents, Suicidal, Opioid Overdoc, and Trip/Falls. That’s 4. Sould we kill people for things like heart disease and cancer too? That’s gonna be a little bit more grim.1 in 6 for heart disease & 1 in 7 for cancer... Yep we’ll be full of fear then. Probably so scared that nobody will ever die of nothing....

I‘m sure you’re Just making a point, but I hope you can see mine too.


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
And, in line with what you have said. Where are all the flu numbers that we see every year? Has covid19 cured the flu? What about west Nile or a host of other diseases?
Frick no I've had the flu or some unknown disease twice since all this shit started. Dr actually said "There is no summer flu bug this year." So I called it Counterfeit Corona.. But then again I had to ask one question. With all the hand sanitizing, mask wearing, and staying away from everyone,, How The Hell Did I Catch The Flu??


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
You really just suggested random public exacuations just because the public isn’t fearful enough for your standards? Ok why stop at Covid?
Now your thinking like Carlin... We could start The Execution Channel. 24x7 killing, with Live, beheading's at 6 and 11PM. 😆

Just saying without illustration of the actual body count, we tend to brush off the deaths here pretty easily. If it was more visual, and everyone was forced to see the carnage, we might take the loss of life more serious. There is some pretty compelling vidieos from people who have died from Covid-19 out there,, for anyone who wants to hear the last minute views of the people with the bag over their head.. But nobody wants to watch that stuff.. 1000 people and 1 clear plastic bag, people would watch that shit like the Apprentice ..
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Now your thinking like Carlin... We could start The Execution Channel. 24x7 killing, with Live, beheading's at 6 and 11PM. 😆

Just saying without illustration of the actual body count, we tend to brush off the deaths here pretty easily. If it was more visual, and everyone was forced to see the carnage, we might take the loss of life more serious. There is some pretty compelling vidieos from people who have died from Covid-19 out there,, for anyone who wants to hear the last minute views of the people with the bag over their head.. But nobody wants to watch that stuff.. 1000 people and 1 clear plastic bag, people would watch that shit like the Apprentice ..

Why shouldn’t we brush off death? I don’t want to live my life worrying when I’m going to die. What kind of life would I have then? We all take what we think is an acceptable amount of risk in our lives. I choose to go about my life and not worry about this virus. You choose to take a bad ass boat out on the water and haul ass in it...well


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
Now your thinking like Carlin... We could start The Execution Channel. 24x7 killing, with Live, beheading's at 6 and 11PM. 😆

Just saying without illustration of the actual body count, we tend to brush off the deaths here pretty easily. If it was more visual, and everyone was forced to see the carnage, we might take the loss of life more serious. There is some pretty compelling vidieos from people who have died from Covid-19 out there,, for anyone who wants to hear the last minute views of the people with the bag over their head.. But nobody wants to watch that stuff.. 1000 people and 1 clear plastic bag, people would watch that shit like the Apprentice ..

Those taking the stance that the death toll is monumental and unacceptable, they want to demonize folks for being "lackadaisical" about the number of deaths. My rebuttal to that is, how few of deaths is low enough for you? Is even 1 too many? Really? Most will say no, that's silly. Ok, then what's the number? If 1,000 people die, would that warrant the absolute devastation of the rest of the 300M people living here?

Point I'm getting at is that, at what point are you (either individually or society as a whole) comfortable with the death rate? How low is low enough to do nothing or how high is high enough to implement drastic measures. Now compare that to other forms of death and lets chat about why the stance is likely widely different for those other ways of dying versus dying from this particular virus.

The fear mongering media is absolutely out of hand at this point IMO.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
My wife is a nurse for an elementary school. School districts have lost their minds.
Masks for everyone all day. Good luck with that five-year-olds especially for the special needs kids.
Only 1 grade level can use the play ground per day. So 5 grade levels = 1 day a week outside.
Only socially distant games can be played.
1way hallways utilizing routes outside aswell. Just last year they locked down the campuses due to fears of school shootings.
You know how young kids seem to get lost/distracted while walking? So you make them walk in a line close together. No more of that.
Bring your own water bottle, since there are no water fountains anymore I not sure where you fill it up now...
No more coming to the nurse for booboos and tummy aches. You better need an ambulance or have a fever.

Some teachers were pre-Madonna‘s before about sick kids. Now it’s gonna be 1000 times worse. During the flu season my wife normally sees 75 “sick” kids a day. In an eight hour day that’s less than 7 minutes per kid to do asessments, treat, make phone calls, and fill out documentation for each kid that walks through her door.

On a sidenote our crackpot mayor wants everybody to get tested regardless if you have symptoms or not. And if you haven’t been tested in the last 30 days you need to go get tested again. They just opened up a new testing site down the street from one of my job sites. The line of cars was at least a mile long. They had four police officers just driving up and down the street trying to keep traffic flowing. Because The line was blocking access to other businesses and drivers that weren’t waiting in line and trying to cut. The cops were actually pulling people over for cutting and blocking traffic flow. People were getting out of their cars and complaining to the cops about people that had cut.


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
China is actually offering testing to everyone in Hong Kong for free as of yesterday.. However the offer not well accepted by citizens in fear of them collecting DNA on everyone ..

And here we are all worried about them collecting users Tic Toc data.

The medical goal was originally
to eliminate this bug from society. That failed, so now it's just damage control. Track, trace, and try to contain outbreaks. Which seems to be working well in the other parts of the world who got it right early on.

Now we get news that cases of reinfection are verified, so that 1000 people a day US average likely ain't going away anytime soon. So now do we just say screw it mother nature wins, or continue to try and eradicate it?? We missed the opertunity to take the lead on this early on, and now find ourselves being the ones with travel restrictions levied against us by other countries. China wins again..

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2010
China "wins" because it falsifies it's numbers to look better than it is unlike the US that is doing the opposite.

Tom sullivan was mentioning today on his show, that china actually revised its deaths down to 9 thousand something. Basically went through their list and removed anyone that had any other cause of death. Essentially only counting those that the virus killed. If we did the same then we could probably cut out 80% off our numbers and lead the world. But the cat's out of the bag and the politicians will never admit to being wrong


Piston Tester
Jul 21, 2010
Somewhere On The Ohio
My wife spends a good part of her day investigating cases, and speaking with ER nurses about condition of patients in ICU. I can safely say nobody in my local area has died of other causes an got listed as covid-19. But there has been a good many who likely died outside hospital of covid and were never tested. Those get tagged as congestive heart failure and such. So thinking that should even out the true numbers.

I meant Chinna wins as in they screwed us on this one...

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The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
I'm sure in your eyes its Trumps fault. LMAO He shut shit down (EARLY) and was ridiculed for it. Its not his fault anymore than it would have been that piece of trash Obama's fault if he was still in office. The Democratic way is to blame others but never any answers! Its life deal with it and move on.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
I keep hearing Trump's handling of this was a "catastrophic failure" but how so? What didn't he do that he should have? I'm genuinely curious. I'm not the type to just think he's perfect and handled everything or anything perfectly so what should he have done so much differently? As mentioned, he called for travel restrictions from hot spots very early on and was ran thru the ringer by Palosi and other democrats for doing so. So it must be something else beyond the travel restrictions that he missed badly.

And all the mandates are ultimately up to the States' (that's how our constitution is setup, united collection of individual states) governors and even further down to the individual city/county/township elected officials. So, did Trump's cabinets not make good enough suggestions? Learn this ol' nimrod from Kentucky something. :D


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
I keep hearing Trump's handling of this was a "catastrophic failure" but how so? What didn't he do that he should have? I'm genuinely curious. I'm not the type to just think he's perfect and handled everything or anything perfectly so what should he have done so much differently? As mentioned, he called for travel restrictions from hot spots very early on and was ran thru the ringer by Palosi and other democrats for doing so. So it must be something else beyond the travel restrictions that he missed badly.

And all the mandates are ultimately up to the States' (that's how our constitution is setup, united collection of individual states) governors and even further down to the individual city/county/township elected officials. So, did Trump's cabinets not make good enough suggestions? Learn this ol' nimrod from Kentucky something. :D
My only problem with him is he spent too much goddamn money. I imagine Pelosi and the Democrats problem with him is not that and is probably the opposite.
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