How's everyone doing with this virus crap?

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2016
As a Pharmacy Tech, its in their pandemic work rules. So it looks like she'll have to burn some personal vacation time.....
Should go after them for the back pay. Its required for work, It happened During work and therefore they should be liable.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
As an aside, I accidentally found out that those blue masks can survive being washed in the washing machine. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
groveport, ohio
I know 3 people close to me that’s had it.

1 of which is my aunt.

the other 2 is a good friend and his girlfriend.

we have 8 confirmed cases at work now also


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2006
St Louis, MO
No one close has had it, although I do know someone that 'tested positive' way back in March out in NY where I'm originally from and he never had a single symptom. Only reason he was tested was because someone at his business tested positive.

The thing now is masks are totally worthless. Surgical masks, bandannas, 'homemade' cloth masks, they all have passage through them that's way to big to stop a virus, and that aside, they don't seal. Air is just like water and electricity. It takes the path of least resistance. You sit there breathing with a 'mask' on. Where's that air going? Not through the media. It's going out the top, sides and bottom. It's not stopping anything, just redirecting it out a different direction. If you have Covid or some other virus like the flu, some of the virus may be getting caught in the mask, making it a massive virus hotspot, but most of it will just be carried out along with your breath (assuming that's truly possible like they claim). Then you add to that the fact that nearly no one knows how to properly use PPE... They put their mask on, they fiddle with it, take it off, put it back on, scratch their butt, pick their nose, rub their eyes, touch this, touch that, all without ever washing or sanitizing their hands between things... The only masks that might actually have a chance at doing something would be PROPERLY FITTED N95 masks that allow ZERO air in or out any way other than through the media. That or respirators that are meant to deal with viruses. But then there's that pesky bit about most people not knowing how to use it properly thing.

The 'ironic' thing about the CDC 'recommending face coverings', is there's an article on their website about a study or group of studies that was published in May that determined that there is no significant difference in the transmission of the flu between groups that wore 'masks' or 'face coverings' than groups that did not. Now, this isn't the flu.... but they're both viruses, and since this one is supposedly easier to transmit than the flu, I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that if masks don't make a significant difference in transmission of the flu, they're not likely to make any more difference with covid.

Still keep a mask hanging from the mirror. Gets UV stearaized while not in use..

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Except most automotive glass blocks UV rays, if I'm not mistaken :).


The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
Doing just fine. Family and friends going on with life and NOT letting the BS stop life. This has to be the most politicized BS in history! Yes its real. So is pneumonia but we don't shut the country down for that or any other virus. I have a better chance dying driving to work than this stuff. People need to move on with life. I also have a special needs daughter and its tough on her. She misses her friends and doesn't understand why. I have not and will not wear a mask!! They are for thieves and outlaws. I feel sorry for those who have to for work and especially those having problems from wearing them.


New member
Jul 31, 2020
I know of no one. 2 confirmed cases at work, out of nearly a thousand workers. Required to wear mask all day every day. Clean hands and temp scan at screening station every morning when you come in. Can’t leave campus and return during the day. Minimum 14 days off if suspected that you’re near a positive case. No business travel. We will probably be like this until this time next year.


Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
I have been working the entire pandemic wearing a mask and careful at work. ( I work in sewer industry and we have 50+ cases at work). I know people that have died from it and people that have been very very ill from it. I also know people with little or no symptoms. My sister in-law's whole family was recently exposed and awaiting what each person might experience illness wise. I don't think it is bullshit like some have said, but it is a different experience for everyone and we should be cognizant that our actions affect others. My son is an RN working with covid patients and he does not say its bullshit evevn if you are young and healthy, wear the mask..... even if if its not 100% is will help others around you. wash your hands..., don't take your risk to someone else and expect them to "get over it" you do not know their concerns and should not discount their fear. is it a pain in the ass? yes
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Ron Nielson

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Oct 11, 2009
Berryton, KS
I haven't had a hair cut in over a month, but today was my day. The barber was talking about being 'off work' to the previous customer. I overheard the conversation. The barber had covid confirmed by the local hospital for 11 days. He did not have problems breathing so they didn't hospitalize him and a covid trained nurse calls him every day, even now some 4 weeks after he was confirmed, just to see how he his doing and if he has had more symptoms. Said it was the most intensely ill he had ever been. Extreme pain in his head, joints, etc. Max dosage of Tylenol or ibuprofin helped for only 30 minutes, then another 5 1/2 hourrs until he could take more.

He didn't wear a mask on my previous haircut; now he does.

S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
I’m in Florida. I know a couple people personally that have died from it. I know people who have had it and it hasn’t hurt them much. We have a lot of mask mandates here too. The county I live in has had one since the beginning but it ranks in the top ten in the country for transmission for 100k people. The real problem here is it’s a mostly black or Hispanic county and they just can’t stop socializing. So the mask haven’t done much in that situation. I have limited my contact with people in hopes of cutting my chances of being exposed to it. I wear my mask when I have to go into the stores it such but don’t otherwise.

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Making ends meet
Aug 2, 2020
I’m with you on that. At 53, type 2 and heart condition I can’t take risk So, I bought a 2015 2500hd and fifth wheel toy hauler to do some modern day grizzly Adams exploring. Picture file to large. I don’t know what a lmm or any other acronyms used on here are but have come to the conclusion that I must stay out of Walmart, get a 5” exhaust, 3’ down pipe, bigger turbo, a efilive, air lift 5000 and high performance muffler bearings. All I was after was a little advice on a safe tuner of sorts for my stock 6.6 duramax with Allison trans. Oh I forgot about the shift kit. Been reading for 3 days and went cross eyed 18 times. Be safe bud and stay out of Walmart
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S Phinney

Active member
Aug 15, 2008
Quncy, Fl
Since I posted I got a call about my sister in law having it now. Hopefully she will be fine but I know a lot of people got exposed from her now. She didn’t believe too much into it either and went about life like it didn’t exist.

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Pure Diesel

Active member
Apr 22, 2008
Ventura County
Still working the whole time and I have to wear a mask. I'm still on the fence for this whole thing but more on the cautious side. My nephew works for a very large military aviation contractor and one person in his group got tested positive. The company sent all six of them to a clinic to be tested. They filled the paper work out and after two hours of waiting, they all left without being tested. Three days later they all got positive test results for being Covid. Explain that one.
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Making ends meet
Aug 2, 2020
Guys, I know your not stupid, your freakin diesel mechanics and smarter than most. I understand the way of the age is rebellion. I do more than my share. Yes people, companies, hospitals even the military is cashing in On a freebie. I know nobody’s life matters except our own. With that being said like it or not, be smart. People are dead from this including my best friend.


The Pusher Man
Jan 11, 2007
central Ohio
The funny thing is when you cough and then touch something its on your hands. Then you touch a door handle the shopping cart then the products at the store. The mask is only a small part. Very small part. Who in their right mind would cough on anyone anyhow. I was taught better than that as most was. Sorry guys this is nothing but a control thing. I know a family that died with covid. Not necessarily from but had it. That's a whole nother argument. If people just used common sense there wouldn't be a need for any of this craziness. You just dont shut down a country for a less than 1% death rate. I have a greater chance dyeing driving to work. When God says its my time its my time. Covid wreck gunshot whatever it is. Its time.


Isuzu Shakes IT
Feb 15, 2012
Central OH
It's all useless.

I imagine a lot of kids getting sick going back to school. Not from Covid, but because you can't expect kids to wear something properly (on top of it not stopping anything), and they'll probably be trading them like cards at the lunch table. It'll compound a problem that's not there currently.
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