Tim Jackson's Ridin' Dirty Win

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New member
Aug 20, 2007
Internet tough guys are all the same, now you posted a threat on line, nice job .

I'm not short and fat you must have me confused with some else .

I think you need to grow up and learn to take a little of what you give.

Next time don't throw Insults when someone comments on what a frame is doing during a pull and then when I break your balls you act like a bigshot and make a threat, go ahead tough guy, lay a hand on me at any event and I'll own you and all your belongings.

Have a nice day, BTW your still an asshole

As far as broken cranks are concerned, they break and it's happened to many trucks regardless if tuners, I could care less if you follow me around bashing me, I am not that concerned at what you say or do.

Never tried to be a internet tough guy. Wasn't intended to be a threat I got pissed. Wanted you to know I am a man of my word.

My coments have nothing to do with growing up. I would assume given our past you would have more brains than to show your face around me.. I know what your tunes are, and how I feel about them and you.

Insults were based on your ignorance. Someone else I would have reponded differently. You my friend and one other are the only vendors I have spent money with in the last 6-7 years that I truly dislike. I have delt with hundreds. It dissipoints me that people are not aware the lack of knowlage you have. I have never wanted to bash or comment on my experences with you until now. I have tried to take the higher road.

I may be a asshole but you have proven yourself to be an idiot to a comunity that you do buisness with. I am not the best buisness man but you continue to prove me correct.


Old Skooler
Aug 12, 2006
Texas Y'all
I don't see other chassis bend that far and I have seen plenty of other sled pull videos where that much chassis flex is not present.

I don't build chassis nor do I have any interest in it, so I could really care less how far it bent down and flexed during the pull.

I will say you Midwest guys sure have thin skins and can't take any criticism or comments and when you open your mouths and get the same kind of comment back you can't handle it.:roflmao:

You guys have any cows that need milking ?


Maybe the trucks you tune don't have the balls to flex frames


The Still Master
Never tried to be a internet tough guy. Wasn't intended to be a threat I got pissed. Wanted you to know I am a man of my word.

My coments have nothing to do with growing up. I would assume given our past you would have more brains than to show your face around me.. I know what your tunes are, and how I feel about them and you.

Insults were based on your ignorance. Someone else I would have reponded differently. You my friend and one other are the only vendors I have spent money with in the last 6-7 years that I truly dislike. I have delt with hundreds. It dissipoints me that people are not aware the lack of knowlage you have. I have never wanted to bash or comment on my experences with you until now. I have tried to take the higher road.

I may be a asshole but you have proven yourself to be an idiot to a comunity that you do buisness with. I am not the best buisness man but you continue to prove me correct.

So your a man of your word.......I see you still like to talk tough behind that keyboard, If I were to run into you anywhere you don't have the balls to do anything.........trust me, you talk about how much you have made, and how much you have, well it would be a lot to lose, so keep being a tough guy talking here for your friends and putting on a show.

Your the same kind of internet tough buy that goes on forums and can't take criticism, thin skinned and a know it all.

Maybe the trucks you tune don't have the balls to flex frames

I guess your right, they don't make enough power to bend frames like Bobo's tuning does...........:thumb:..........you should have him tune your truck so he can bend your frame too.


Your the guy who has no dog on the fight and just likes to feel important by quoting what other people say.

Your probably the short fat guy Tim has me confused with.

:rofl: Maybe you should get room with Tim


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2006
Amanda, Ohio
So your a man of your word.......I see you still like to talk tough behind that keyboard, If I were to run into you anywhere you don't have the balls to do anything.........trust me, you talk about how much you have made, and how much you have, well it would be a lot to lose, so keep being a tough guy talking here for your friends and putting on a show.

Your the same kind of internet tough buy that goes on forums and can't take criticism, thin skinned and a know it all.

I guess your right, they don't make enough power to bend frames like Bobo's tuning does...........:thumb:..........you should have him tune your truck so he can bend your frame too.

Your the guy who has no dog on the fight and just likes to feel important by quoting what other people say.

Your probably the short fat guy Tim has me confused with.

:rofl: Maybe you should get room with Tim

Flexing is indeed a part of sled pullin and there is flex in all good pulling chassis. If it didn't flex it would most likely break! I doubt any frames were bent in these videos. I have seen 3 frames flex to the point of failers. One was a 2.5 dodge that was lime green from up state NY? One was a pro street gas truck with a ford frame under a s10 body called the punisher. The other was mad dogs truck which was a 3.0 truck. There are videos on youtube of mad dog and the punisher breaking there frames but i couldn't find them.
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New member
Aug 20, 2007
It took alot of work to get my frame to flex. Once it did i bet i gained 5-8 feet on a tight track.


Super Spicy Tunaz
Feb 1, 2009
NE Ohio
So your a man of your word.......I see you still like to talk tough behind that keyboard, If I were to run into you anywhere you don't have the balls to do anything.........trust me, you talk about how much you have made, and how much you have, well it would be a lot to lose, so keep being a tough guy talking here for your friends and putting on a show.

Your the same kind of internet tough buy that goes on forums and can't take criticism, thin skinned and a know it all.

I guess your right, they don't make enough power to bend frames like Bobo's tuning does...........:thumb:..........you should have him tune your truck so he can bend your frame too.

Your the guy who has no dog on the fight and just likes to feel important by quoting what other people say.

Your probably the short fat guy Tim has me confused with.

:rofl: Maybe you should get room with Tim

Yep your right i have no dog in this "fight" if you call it that? Its more you make a complete ass of yourself and business and im not short and fat either bud. Don't get all butthurt that you made a complete douche of yourself in this thread by saying what you said. Navigate to youtube and watch all the GOOD sled trucks and they all flex, but than again those arent little workstock trucks running your tuning:angel: FYI i have no clue who Tim is never met the man in my life


The Still Master
Yep your right i have no dog in this "fight" if you call it that? Its more you make a complete ass of yourself and business and im not short and fat either bud. Don't get all butthurt that you made a complete douche of yourself in this thread by saying what you said. Navigate to youtube and watch all the GOOD sled trucks and they all flex, but than again those arent little workstock trucks running your tuning:angel: FYI i have no clue who Tim is never met the man in my life

Thanks for asking about business, it couldn't be better, not that I brag about it like some people do in this thread !

Opinions are just that, opinions, and your means nothing to me as does Tim's, not everyone get's along and not everyone can be friends, and I really don't care if you like me or not, in fact I don't see what you add to this thread other than quotes and upping your post count.

So you keep on quoting this and that and driving thread views and making whatever you are trying to make out of this thread.

It all started because I made a simple comment about "did anyone see the frame flex" like that somehow was an attack on Tim's truck, he blew it out of proportion and his long held hatred finally got the best of him..........must be sad to be a internet tough guy and carry that kind of hate around, but at least I made his day..........:roflmao:

In case you are wondering, I like to push people's buttons, the more you give me an opening the more I like to break your balls because I think it's funny and after all it's just the internet.......:thumb:

If you have searched my posts on internet forums for the past 8-9 years it's no surprise to anyone that I don't lay down and will give and good as I get, perhaps if it really made a difference it would hurt business, but it never has and I don't think it ever will, my results speak for themselves, like it or not I am good at what I do.

Much to your dismay and the internet warriors like yourself who think somehow I care or anyone else cares your wrong............I have a loyal following of people who know I can make trucks run and I do.........so whatever you have to say about that is your business, it makes little if any difference to me and in the end my customers.

On another note:

I checked Tim's file from Merchant's and it never had a tow tune in it, it was a DSP2 and had two big tunes, so as far as his towing comments with high EGT's it would explain why.

So keep drawing attention to me, my tuning and this thread..........its good for business because with over 5200 views it means a lot of people are watching.



New member
Aug 14, 2011
stoughton, wisconsin
Who the hell comes back with ill sue u??? U will lose everuthing. Wtf is that????:roflmao:

And then pull your big boy pants up, and is callin everyone tough guys??? Wow this is a good one, someone need to help this so called man.:roflmao:


Im a Garrett Nut Swinger
May 11, 2008
Bis ND

i leave my prized posession here for you guys


The Still Master
Who the hell comes back with ill sue u??? U will lose everuthing. Wtf is that????:roflmao:

And then pull your big boy pants up, and is callin everyone tough guys??? Wow this is a good one, someone need to help this so called man.:roflmao:

I'm more of a man then you'll ever be.........you must be another internet tough guy.........;)

Your skin's so thin it's transparent.



New member
Aug 14, 2011
stoughton, wisconsin
:roflmao: this is awesome. " im more then a man than u will ever be" well big boy lets see it. Prove it.my friend. Whip that thing out. Type away tough guy. :roflmao:


New member
Aug 14, 2011
stoughton, wisconsin
:spit: yep im gay. Obviously u dont look at the babe of the day thread do ya.:roflmao: keep goin thy all have to come back with? I to like pushing buttons.:thumb:


The Still Master
Your not going to get anywhere pushing mine........might as well give up now.

I don't have to look at pictures on the internet like you, but run along and look at your pictures, if it makes you feel more like a man and makes you happy who am I to stop you from having something to look at.


BTW, are you trying to prove something to me, or is it that you have nothing to do and want to out do slammed post count here ?


New member
Aug 14, 2011
stoughton, wisconsin
Im tryin to be a internet tough guyguys and get my oh so important post count up. Just seein how long u will go with this. Kinda funny. Super professional for all these up and comin customers of yours.:hello:
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