Talk about over-reacting...


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Over-reaction to smoke

Ya know, I can understand people being upset about what happened at Bowling Green. It was wrong on so many levels, and those that did it should be brought to proper justice. After that happens, have it posted on all the forums that doing that crap at events just wont be tolerated any more, and politely educate the idiots that continue to do it....
But to start a general campaign to censor videos on Youtube that show trucks blowing smoke? To violate someone else's 1st Amendment rights just because you dont agree with them? Im sorry, but that shit is even worse than the idiot doing the smoking in the first place.
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New member
Sep 9, 2008
it doesnt surpise me at all. their just following in the rest of the coutries footsteps. thats the new thing to do, take all the freedoms and rights that you can. the first amendment.... yeah whats that, the constitution is almost meaningless in todays society. its all about going green and that fake ass global warming crap. it wont be long and diesels will proabably be outlawed all together.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
For the record, I am NOT for smoking people or other things out. Thats just bad behavior, and leave it for where it belongs.....on the sled pull and drag strip, under "controlled conditions"..

What I am against is censorship.
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Lost in the diesel smoke.
Jul 26, 2007
Nothern Ky
This is just plain stupid. We wonder why the younger generations like my brother and his freinds act the way they do. Dont corect them because it might hurt there feelings just hide it from everyone else. As long as you dont see it problem is taken care of right.:mad:


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Yes, the liberal way of raising children is just plain wrong. I see the pendulum swinging back nowadays, though...which is a good thing.

But its a personal responsibility thing. Instead of turning a blind eye to people who act stupid at events in the future, we all need to be teachers so this kind of thing slowly stops happening. But censorship? Nope.
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Lost in the diesel smoke.
Jul 26, 2007
Nothern Ky
Yes, the liberal way of raising children is just plain wrong. I see the pendulum swinging back nowadays, though...which is a good thing.

But its a personal responsibility thing. Instead of turning a blind eye to people who act stupid at events in the future, we all need to be teachers so this kind of thing slowly stops happening. But censorship? Nope.

I totally agree with you.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Wasn't this Tank guy the same guy that pissed everyone off on DF ?

Yup. I cant say what I truly think of the Id get banned from the Garage. But I will say he has the Staff there bamboozled.
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New member
May 3, 2008
Salinas, Ca
Yup. I cant say what I truly think of the Id get banned from the Garage. But I will say he has the Staff there bamboozled.

Here, I'll help ya Tom :hug:
(this is NOT meaning to get him in trouble, this is my opinion of him I'd like to leave out in the open...)

He's the first to be in the middle or the start of bullshit.... Alot of the videos he's posted are ridiculous, the people need their asses kicked. :hello:
The only thing I agree with him about is those videos are stupid... 'hiding' or showing them your displeasure by 'tattling' on them and getting an online 'posse' going is just childish and dumb.

He reminds me of bumper boy (dunesrunner of iron bull) at other sites... a weasel.

He's not only on the garage getting his anti smoker posse to go lynching...


New member
Apr 20, 2007
Salem WI
He's doing the same at CompD, I agree smoking out little kids and what not is stupid but to flag it and ignore the problem is just as stupid.


Apr 28, 2007
in the buckeye state
tanks 250 yep drive a black 250 on 41" iroks

i am out right suprised that he did this :eek:

tank started a thread on compD as well... in which i posted
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Lost in the diesel smoke.
Jul 26, 2007
Nothern Ky
Well I have to leave it alone on the garage since I seem to have steped on a few toes and made some of them mad. I agree it is stupid to smoke people out like those videos but dont turn it into your own little campaign.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Well I have to leave it alone on the garage since I seem to have steped on a few toes and made some of them mad. I agree it is stupid to smoke people out like those videos but dont turn it into your own little campaign.
Ya, I think we're both in a bit of trouble. Tank seems to be a favorite over there. Got em fooled. Sad.

Look guys, I dont ever advocate smoking out people/bikes/etc. But theres a bigger issue here. Censorship isnt right. You may not like what someone else does, but everyone has the same freedoms. We all have the ability to "turn the channel". If people dont watch the smoker vids, it does the same thing as removing them....the poster doesnt get the attention he craves. Heck, just posting a calm, intelligent comment stating the poster is in the wrong is smarter than having the video removed, as more people would read the comment and think, "Hey, that guy has a point". It certainly would help the cause of sanity more than making the vids go away, like it never happened.


New member
Mar 30, 2008
TANK posts the exact same threads on about 7-8 diesel sites. I Mod at 2 of I get to watch that same thread twice.....yay me. LOL

Y'all want me to send him here to start it too ? I'd do that fo y'all ya know. LOL


New member
Mar 28, 2008
Boise, Idaho
This is what i posted over on compd:

Okay so i know i have not been on this site for awhile but i have been on others and heard what happened at Bowling Green and I have witnessed people being smoked out, I dont think its cool to smoke someone out but all your doing is making these people repost the same vid or more cause you flagged one get off your f'ing high horse and get a life this isnt going to solve anything and I bet its mostly older guys doing not just young kids in diesels. I was embarassed by what happened cause i drag race all the time probably more than some of you but what your doing isnt solving anything call the cops file a complant if you see it in person how hard is that!!!

You guys can all make fun of me if you want but i dont care. If you must know too im 24 and am a proud owner of a Duramax Diesel.

So theres my little input.

See what happens yes it is wrong that their smoking people out but they arent solving anything just going to cause more problems later.