I have not as we tend to either use Goerend's kit or piece them together for our own builds.
They use GPZ C1/C2 and their own C3/C4 frictions. The Kolene steels they use are in the C3/C4 packs which do not have an issue whereas you should not use Kolene steels in the C2 (which their kit uses OEM material steels so it's good to go). Their "XX" C3/C4 friction is pretty good, I haven't pushed them past ~800whp tho unlike keyhole G3/Carbonite/SCZ195 tho so I can't comment on their holding capacity above that.
They do include C5 which is nice but not typically necessary as the C5 pack is engaged for first and reverse only. I've seen transmissions with 400k roll in as cores and the stamping is still readable on the C5 frictions. I check clearance and tend to reuse as do most other builders because they simply don't fail. Now if I have one come in with a hurt C5 pack I'll obviously replace it.
Lately I've been using G3 C1, GPZ or G3 C2 with OEM material steels, SCZ196 C3/C4 with kolene steels.