Damn Thieves


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Two weeks ago, my truck got broke into as I bought a newspaper at a convenience store. I was in the store less that a minute. I actually caught the guy IN my truck, chased him down and knocked him off his bike. He dropped the first aid kit that he had taken. I couldnt get a grip on him (asshole wriggled around like a damn fish) and he ran away, with me in pursuit...but Im out of shape and he was a fast little ******. Called the police but they didnt seem to care and after 1/2 hour waiting for an LPD car I went to work. :mad:

Fast forward to this morning. I walk out to my truck to go to work, and my backpack is in my front seat. "WTF? I didnt leave that there." was my first thought, then "Oh Shit!" when I saw my glovebox and console open. This SOB thief actually DID steal the same first aid kit, lifted the ashtray (and broke the cover door in the process) out of the center console which contained ~.30 in pennies............and the zipdrive that had ALL my EFILive tunes, logs and pid lists. Damnit damnit damnit..... :mad::mad::mad: I have a spare ashtray and door in the garage...but dang, I cant replace that drive. Stopped by ECSD and told them about the break in, so if anyone else in the area called in, they'd have some reference.

At least I dont carry any other valuables in the truck. Never had to lock the truck in the driveway before. Now I have to. Lesson learned.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
South Shore, Ma
Wow, I wonder if it was the same asshole? Sorry to hear about that and what a coincidence about the first aid kit... Must be a hot item to steal these days:rolleyes:


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Northwest Pa
That sucks. Do you think it was the same guy? If not thats some bad luck. Maybe you'll see him out delivering some day and the two of you can finish you're little conversation. :catfight2:


New member
Feb 23, 2009
South Central Kentucky
Well since he come back a 2nd time he will be back again set a trap and bust his ass but this time keep a shot gun next to the door and dont quit shooting till he falls down :thumb: we had a deer stand thief around here and a friend of mine had 3 stands stolen from the same tree but the 4th stand the guy come to get got him trip to the ER and then after that he got a trip in the cop car id say a 20+ foot fall hurts like hell


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Work and home are 16 miles apart, so I dont think it was the same guy....but then you never know. Could have gotten a slip of paper with my addy out the first time. Another odd thing was that they didnt touch my wife's unlocked Blazer parked right next to my truck.
I figure whoever did it was out there at ~6am and got spooked when my son turned the lights on and went into the bathroom to get ready for school.

I'll check with the police again tomorrow and see if anyone else called in a complaint. Also figure to call our bank and let them know, just in case the jerk got some of my personal info. He didnt take the garage door opener, so thats a relief.

I do like the shotgun idea. :)
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Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
I'd guess it WAS the same guy, seeing as the exact same thing was taken, and little more. How far was the store from home? Did you get a good look at the guy, he might be local?

People like that piss me off. I second the shotgun idea.

JD Dave

In way over my head
May 19, 2008
Caledon, Ontario
That sucks, our house was broke into about 1.5 months ago. Who the hell steals a first aid kit?!

Someone that needs first aid. ;) I hate thieves with a passion. It's bad enough they steal stuff but then they always wreck crap in the process. Hopefully that's the last you see of them.


Feb 16, 2008
Princeton, Iowa
Damn thats no good Tom..... I have zero tolerance for theifs, it will catch up with them in the end. Atleast he has your first aid kit so when the next guy catches him he can fix his wounds. Hope that wastgate was not in there:spit:


Somewhere huffing diesel
Oct 5, 2009
Ruston, La
I feel your pain my house was robbed the day after thanksgiving, took my bran new 55 samsung led (my pride and joy):(, 4 guns, latop, iphone and another tv:mad:. Its funny people always so its nothing that cant be replaced its only material things......they have obviously never been robbed is all i have to say!


spareparts offroad&fab
Mar 17, 2010
if you remember seeing his face or if he was black(non racist) you might just bump into him or just leave your truck outside for a few night and wait for him

keep an eye out on craigslist for that efi...i doubt anyone with a honda civic is just going to buy one of thise


Active member
Feb 25, 2008
Upstate N.Y
That sucks Tom:mad: X3 on the shotgun, That is why this sits next to my bed (Pic Below) Because you never know;)



Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
The store is a mile from work, so 15 miles or so from home. The first guy was a scruffy white kid in one of those white puffy "gangsta" coats with all the graffiti on it (I dont know what else to call it). I look for the a-hole every day I drive by that store. I cant figure he'd have the means to get across town, but you never know.

As for the zipdrive....I hope that thief has got an LB7 Duramax and EFI, and he decides to load that Danville RodBender tune.....and does a few full throttle runs....THAT'LL teach the SOB. :mad:
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May 11, 2010
Sorry to hear about that. I came out of a restaurant after dinner one night and saw a guy standing on my tire leaning into my truck bed. There was nothing back there but a shitty spare tire to steal but it pissed me off anyway. I had a chapstick with me and used it as a fist pack. As soon as he stepped down I hit him as hard as I could...put him out like a light and damn near broke my hand even with the chapstick. I just left him laying there. He was a homeless guy and it wouldn't have done anything to call the cops. Worthless SOB.
Dec 2, 2006
Sorry to hear about that. I came out of a restaurant after dinner one night and saw a guy standing on my tire leaning into my truck bed. There was nothing back there but a shitty spare tire to steal but it pissed me off anyway. I had a chapstick with me and used it as a fist pack. As soon as he stepped down I hit him as hard as I could...put him out like a light and damn near broke my hand even with the chapstick. I just left him laying there. He was a homeless guy and it wouldn't have done anything to call the cops. Worthless SOB.

Maybe he's looking for a left over biscut... :confused:


Mountain Pass Machine
Nov 29, 2008
Sorry to hear that. It has been years since I left ANYTHING in my truck around here. They'll do $1000 damage for a 5 cent pop can. Once in a while I'll forget my sunglasses but been lucky. Motion lights and no street parking help.