The undercut saw is an offset handled saw that allows you to cut off the bottom of the door jambs, allowing the wood flooring to slip under the door jamb versus cutting around them (cheesy and less professional looking). I may be wrong, in different parts of the country some stuff has a different trade name.
Nobody said to "check square" and stay square, tough NOT to do with a snap together floor but if you don't stay square to the first wall you could get to the end and have a "bastard cut".
If the walls are painted cut the caulking at the top of the baseboard with a razor kn ife, otherwise when you remove the baseboard it may create patching by tearing the drywall and paint.
Good luck Dude. If you live in a wet climate make sure the back of the has a coating to help with moisture, usually foam or gray blach crap on the back of every board.
PM me if you need more help and I'll give you my cell number.