LBZ: 30 or 60% overs on Stock LBZ Motor? Max LBZ HP on Stock Motor?


New member
Dec 25, 2015
So I should get rid of the meth and just drop 30% overs or go ahead and do 60% overs keep in mind I cannot afford an engine build I just want to push this too the limits without blowing it up..


Active member
Aug 9, 2010
Worland Wy
So I should get rid of the meth and just drop 30% overs or go ahead and do 60% overs keep in mind I cannot afford an engine build I just want to push this too the limits without
it up..

Good luck on that man. Some will take a beating in stock form with sizeable numbers and some fail at lower than average numbers. If money is a concern if it may blow up then leave it alone. A good running 500 rwhp tune in a daily driver is good fun and have proved to be way reliable. Good luck.:eek:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
If you can't afford a build, lose the meth or at least keep it around the 40% mark max, back off on the tuning and start saving money for a build. And get some gauges.

With an LBZ, you have a ticking time bomb if you keep pushing it. Burning or cracking a piston, bending a rod, blowing a head gasket or breaking a crank are all possibilities. Trust me. Don't push your luck unless you got at least 5g in the pocket to fix it when it shits the bed. Probably closer to 10g.

Not trying to rain on your parade, just letting you know what your risking in the event you keep pushing it.

If you don't care about any of that, go 60 overs but keep the tuning mellow.

Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
So I should get rid of the meth and just drop 30% overs or go ahead and do 60% overs keep in mind I cannot afford an engine build I just want to push this too the limits without blowing it up..

You are already wayyyy past that point. Might want to rethink your end goals if you dont have the funds for the inevitable rebuild.


Nov 4, 2015
You are already wayyyy past that point. Might want to rethink your end goals if you dont have the funds for the inevitable rebuild.
This ^^ If you can't afford an engine rebuild then leave it stock, besides good tuning of course.. That turbo is already putting you past the 'safe' zone with the tuning your running now.. Just saying


New member
Aug 29, 2014
I'd hold off till you get those gauges installed. LBZ pistons are weak at best. What's the specs on the 366?

Are LBZ pistons really that bad? Should I upgrade a bone stock '07 LBZ to tow a 5th wheel or sell it instead of spending $5k+ to upgrade the motor? I have less than 100k miles and bought from original owner. Already wondering if I need a 3500 DRW. Thought the LBZ was the one to buy....


Jul 30, 2011
Seen a 07 lbz with 3 broken skirts, one with a big hole to go along with it. 114k miles with only an efi tune.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Are yours bent? I thought you had that horse power with lbz rods. Maybe my memory is off?

You'll crack a piston before anything else.

Shouldn't be, as I didnt go over 600. Hope to find out for sure later this year. I did not have the multiple power/fueling additions the o/p does. Track times indicated around 575 at best. I was just smart with how I used it. ;)
If I crack a delipped LB7 piston at my power level, I would quit the sport completely.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Are LBZ pistons really that bad? Should I upgrade a bone stock '07 LBZ to tow a 5th wheel or sell it instead of spending $5k+ to upgrade the motor? I have less than 100k miles and bought from original owner. Already wondering if I need a 3500 DRW. Thought the LBZ was the one to buy....

No they aint that bad. Most of the guys on this site are here because the broke something or want to push the envelope. Ive never seen a major failure on a Dmax and I know of several used for fleet work and on ranches. That not to say they don't fail, but all manufactures have their lemons.