My shop,house,kids,toys everything is less than most of your house payments!!! I need a better job. I was thinking I did pretty good. You guys make me look pretty bad. I owe a total of $75k to the world. It should be paid of in 4 or 5 years. If I made the money you guys made I wouldn't owe anything. I'm happy for the folk's that make big, it gives me something to shot for. Is anyone hiring?? I work for cheap. Jeff
My motto is work more sleep less!! I'm just lucky to have a decent income in an area where the average household income is fairly low so it keeps prices on most places in check. I believe the avg here is like $55-$60K a year and with my wife and I making roughly double that we do pretty well on what would be considered an avg income in other areas. I work for a laboratory as a regular job and own my own business too. Wife is a office manager for a local bank. I get disgusted though when I start looking at hours worked versus money made lol!! 120+/- hour weeks aren't uncommon during the busy seasons and some travel is involved sometimes.