Kaitlin Brand Makes Suicide Prevention Tribute After Mom's Death

Jetty LBZ

work in progress
Jan 24, 2011
middle TN
never delt with any suicides but i do know the affects of depression and find it strange that it always seems to be the happiest/least likely people that are depressed!


New member
Aug 27, 2006
So calling someone a name or putting a label on them is going to help someone not kill themselves? Don't you people think the name calling and the labeling of people is part of the problem? A cowardly selfish person is what you see with your eyes. That same person is a Mom or a Dad, a son or a daughter, a dear friend, and/or a helpless child. I think it's selfish and cowardly to judge someone you don't know or have not tried to help, but I'm not here to judge anyone.


Oct 8, 2008
Santaquin, Utah
So calling someone a name or putting a label on them is going to help someone not kill themselves? Don't you people think the name calling and the labeling of people is part of the problem? A cowardly selfish person is what you see with your eyes. That same person is a Mom or a Dad, a son or a daughter, a dear friend, and/or a helpless child. I think it's selfish and cowardly to judge someone you don't know or have not tried to help, but I'm not here to judge anyone.

Exactly....Well said...


New member
Aug 14, 2011
stoughton, wisconsin
Well said but it does go both ways. I never try and label or name someone but I do believe in my case, my uncle tried and successfully took the easier way out for him. And left my family wondering why we didn't see it, left his wife and 2 kids confused, and I am not sure I'm labeling him in and category, but what can possibly be better when your gone, how does it affect the rest of the family. That's where it seems he worried about himself, and didn't think about anyone else's feelings and how we would much rather him be here then gone. Hense why I considerate it an esier way out or selfish act. I look at his wife and kids, and get mad every time. I'm sure they would like there dad back to play with and enjoy the way its suppose to be.


Still slow
Oct 5, 2009
I agree suicide is a selfish act, but I wonder if the people doing it really even understand that.

I grew up with a very good friend who is bi-polar, it's often hard to remember at times he was ill and not just being dramatic. I honestly wonder if some of the time I spent with him when all our other friends had bailed because of his drama may have saved his life.

JD Dave

In way over my head
May 19, 2008
Caledon, Ontario
Our fulltime guy committed suicide in 2001. I had lunch with him and 4 hours later he killed himself. Went home early and I'm pretty sure he caught his wife doing the deed. It was pretty hard on me and every one else that knew him. Couldn't imagine what his family went through. Saying all suicides are selfish is pretty broad but I do think some people take the easy way out. I hope I never have to deal with something like that again.


Still slow
Oct 5, 2009
In cases of terminal illness I can call suicide taking the easy way out, but as long as the person explains to their friends and family that is their wish I can understand that choice.

Understanding why someone chooses to commit suicide is really tough to understand in most cases, I think that is because we don't understand what they were going through at the time.

RPM Motorsports

May 13, 2008
Central Valley Ca.
suicide is for cowards

For the most part I would agree... BUT... My best friend took his life at 21. He had been in and out of hospitals for a few years, and nothing could stop him. There is a part of him that none of us knew about. He got to a point where he was thinking about doing harm to others and even followed somebody home. We know this because he left two books for us on his desk the night he took his life, good days one book, bad days the other book. Each book had its own style of writing... He was the type of person who would not harm a fly, but was fighting something on the inside, wanting him to do harm to others. He tried to check himself in to a mental hospital the night before, and was denied and told he was fine. He took his own life the next night because he didn't want to do any harm to others, and it was the only way he could assure nothing would happen. It took me several years to understand and accept his doing, but "what about the people being left behind" is not what I think about anymore... I actually respect his choice to take care of a situation before doing harm to an innocent person.