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  1. prorida

    New HD bumper build

    gonna need a hot tune to lug your bumper if you build outta 1/4":D bumper looks great by the way. paint or powder?
  2. prorida

    LB7: Starting to miss my banks

    if your not busy i'm gonna call you tomorrow eve, and go over some potty training questions.:happy2:
  3. prorida

    LB7: Starting to miss my banks

    what kind of an arrogant sob would steal a junior members thread? and i don't have my passport to come see you Chris;) also while I'm asking dumb Q's, how do you change an OS in case i wanna grab tunes from the library?
  4. prorida

    LB7: Starting to miss my banks

    thank you dave, i guess i should have not left the question so vague. I've always wanted smoke, but now I don't want to see even a puff off the line. i have a great little tune library from neens. But other than pulling fuel from the tables, i was looking for suggestions on things to toy with...
  5. prorida

    LB7: Starting to miss my banks

    So i built a sled deck this year, hear is the link to pics. needless to say i no longer want smoke tunes. I was going to run my stock tune but i'm already watching my milage go to the dumper. can anyone give me advise on tables i...
  6. prorida

    LB7: need a lb7 guru

    his desired fuel rail pressure was 4931 his comm fuel pressure regulator flow was 2216. i'd like to do more tests when he passes through on friday. i don't have the neens to coddle me anymore. so i may have to pm one of you guys for directions on where to go. and the smoke is noticeable, it...
  7. prorida

    LB7: need a lb7 guru

    I thought this was were all the big boys hang out at? I NEED HELP DIAGNOSING A FRIENDS TRUCK. He has been driving like this for over eight months . He put's about 500 miles a week on the odo, and if he keeps it up he will be over 200k in no time, and lose any possibility of an injector...
  8. prorida

    Balence rates question

    i have a friend thats been having problems, so i told him i would check his balence rates for him. So i decided to practic on mine, since i have been out of the efilive game for awhile. (Gotta get back in gear;)) this is what i came up with. actual rail pressure 5934 avg...
  9. prorida

    tire conversion help please

    i just found that out i rounded down to a 340/60r20 for tire wear. thanks again Noreaster!!!
  10. prorida

    tire conversion help please

    343/59R20 is what i came up with, thanks for the chart. let see what this looks like with efi!:thumb:
  11. prorida

    tire conversion help please

    so to adjust my spedo on EFIlive i need to know metric measurements. i have yet to find a inches to mm chart online. i have 36x13.5r20 the interco website says that the tires get 598 revs per mile, in the efilive conversion that drops my tire diameter to a 33!!!!!!!!!! anybody got any ideas...
  12. prorida

    guess whos back? and judging by your avatar. you must be locked down, because i can't remember...

    guess whos back? and judging by your avatar. you must be locked down, because i can't remember the last time cassie was disgusted by the text's i received from you!llol
  13. prorida

    EFILive lbz dsp2 or 5

    been a coons age since i've been on the old forum, just wondering if they have come out with the dsp2 or dsp5 for the lbz, last time i chatted with neensie. i was told that it may or may not be in the works. how behind on the times am i?
  14. prorida

    computar crash help!!!!!!!!

    well i bought it from you, so i got a disk, so i need to go download the updated version?
  15. prorida

    computar crash help!!!!!!!!

    tryed it, but i don't know the date.
  16. prorida

    computar crash help!!!!!!!!

    :quote: i may not have done that?
  17. prorida

    computar crash help!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys and gals, So i bought an external hard drive, saved all my tunes, pics, songs, etc. and then crashed my computer, i reinstalled efilive, and now when i open up a tune that i saved i get this message Athorization has been sent to demo. i need to re enter all my crap in the register...
  18. prorida

    Allison 5sp: whats a good temp mike?

    hey buddy, i yaked with ya when i was upgradeing the ally. when we were talking, i asked you about your trans cooler. I was alittle worried at the time, because we have about 9 months of bad weather, and about 3 months of decent weather. I was worried about keeping heat in trans during these...
  19. prorida

    The Neens & Henry J

    thanks for the video's chris, love the burp after the first one. lol
  20. prorida

    Hi everybody! Noob here!

    :WTF2: welcome