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  1. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    That is all great info! I will hopefully have time tomorrow to try it out.
  2. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    So on the calibration window, do I need to change the code in the BCC box? The old tune code is DPJK and the 6006 tune from Kory is DRUJ.
  3. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Tony, Can you change the system segments in the 6006 OS or do I need to use a different OS?
  4. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    You should do a search for EGR. I'm sure there are plenty of threads about it.
  5. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Is there a way to change the system segments in an OS, or do I just need to use a different OS. I definitely liked the way the truck ran on the 6006 OS.
  6. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    When I use the 6006 I lose control of my HVAC. It wouldn't switch between defrost and vents, and AC light was stuck on. My 4wd light also wasn't working, but the truck was going into 4wd. What are your thoughts?
  7. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Kory do you have another OS for an 02 ZF6 truck?
  8. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Can I find the right OS based off of the VIN? Or do I need to look at the ECM?
  9. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    When I used this OS, my hvac switch stopped working. Wouldn't switch between defrost and vents, and AC was stuck on. Also my 4wd light won't work. I flashed my old setup back in and everything is working right again. Any ideas?
  10. T

    American Sniper

    Great book! Love survivor was awesome too!
  11. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Thanks Kory and Catman!!
  12. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    If you wouldnt mind, send me the 01 zf tune.
  13. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Nevermind that number is different because it's a DSP2 OS.
  14. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    My OS is 02444101, Know of any stock tunes for this operating system?
  15. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    Thanks! I don't see an 02 Manual listed on there, but I'm pulling up my tune to see what ECM I have and if it is the same as the 01.
  16. T

    Stock 2002 LB7 ZF6 tune

    I am looking for a stock 02 LB7 ZF6 tune. My truck came with a tune in it and I am fighting some throttle sensitivity issues so I would like to throw a stock tune in and see what it drives like. I have made many changes to the tunes and haven't found one I really liked, unless I change the...