what should I do

dmaxed 67

New member
Jan 3, 2009
So i had the upper control arm installed cognito,the guy who did the work sadi,and I quote,by looking at your truck you might want to put a block in the back yadda yadda,and I didnt get what he meant,beside the obviuos,now I just bought some 295/70/17,guess what???they dont fit,the guy who did the level,said I could have brought it higher but I didnt want too,anyways I have booked an appointment to put blocks in the rear so he can raise it up more,he seeems to think I will then get the tire on,what do you all think:my rima are 4.5'' b/s with a zero offsetmad:so if I raise the torsion more ,rather torsion it up from where it is sitting now wont the rear end sag??