So as I recall correct me if I'm wrong 10 years ago give or take big singles and slowly heard of compound turbo kits started to hit the diesel market. Maximized performance Inc was the first I recall putting nasty girl over the 1000 hp crest and introducing a new era for performance in duramax diesels, then triples started showing up and as kits have become more refined I've noticed more borgs being used than any thing else. What ever happened to the super nice garrett Mpi kits over stock vgts or even ihis. I know that there are super nice kits offered these days like hsp, wherli, Sdp, just to name a few. I loved the super clean lines that Mpi used to produce using the garrett chargers with that super clean waste gate sleekly tied into the exhaust cross over tube off the stock turbo and the almost stock appearing look that it had under the hood as if gm put it there from the factory even with a gtx4202. I have nothing against borgs but imho personally I'm a garrett turbo guy and it seems as though garretts just aren't used anymore in build or kits. What gives as this has become the norm seems to me, would Mpi still even offer a kit with a garrett turbo as an optional charger?