Something that all new diesel guys need to learn is that it is a completely done fervent, more expensive, more complicated and costly world than gassers could ever dream of being. Everyone tries to push their products no matter how underdeveloped they may be. Look at Sinister stuff. Look at the cheaply made knock offs of ricks pipes. Especially with fuel systems and transmissions, you really have to do your research on REPUTABLE sites, not the “other” duramax forum. Not Facebook. And not sites that advertise their own stuff. Most of the best stuff you can buy are from sites that aren’t even fully developed and up to date, or are just simple site not over promoting their own stuff. Sites like Lincoln diesel, profab, Kennedy, are just a here to sell their stuff because everyone knows their quality and doesn’t need the hype. The guys on this site can be difficult at times because we get a lot of people that want us to diagnose their problems and then leave. We do not get paid for this. It’s a hobby. So we don’t appreciate people demanding answers. Or getting cocky. Not saying you were. Not saying that at all. But most of these guys have known each other for a while and have some running jokes going.
That being said, Mike and Evan both are absolutely no questions asked the best people there are to mess with Allison’s. Listen to what they say. Don’t listen to internet BS and hype. They may be far but it’ll be worth the trip or shipping. I went local on my first Allison build and it was a hack job. And that was from the best shop around. Allison’s need precision. Not just a “kit”. I know of lots of guys that have bought Evan’s DIY kit and have had great success. That comes with Evan’s guidance too.
Sorry for the rant. Bored at work.