Help needed


Mar 26, 2017
Brookville, PA
I didnt know LDS sold reman t cases , DHD dose . They are also a vendor on this site . Dirty hooker diesel , I hope we dont get into trouble hyjacking this thread , I didnt mean for it to go on so long , sorry guys !


New member
Nov 11, 2014
Thanks guys, hadn't heard of either but looks like they are both sold out too. Will try on Monday to call. I did find Transfer case shop, Transfer case warehouse, and Transfer case express but with all the scams... was wondering if someone here would know if any were trusted business's.


Feb 8, 2011
Call your local gm dealer, they had the best price when I was calling around and the longest warranty.


New member
Nov 11, 2014
Thanks, got a reman coming from a local shop who rebuilds them, 6mo. warranty and about half the cost of new. A friend is going to help tomorrow or so, just need to do some homework now on the switch out..watched a couple u tube movies, got a new t/case - tranny gasket, loctite, and wondering what else I should have on hand ?? Should I replace the back seal on the tranny if it isn't leaking ?? I'll try paying my buddy $50 or so instead of a shop fee, 3hours ??? and still be money ahead after buying a new metric gear wrench set too, is the plan anyways... If it takes us more than 3hrs I am going to make the Bud take a Franklin ! What's the chances ? :angel:


Mar 26, 2017
Brookville, PA
Since you have been on this site for about 5 years , you probably remember , one of the most common problems on these t cases is pump rub , so you had them put a kit into your new rebuild , right ? I hope that is your problem , because mine has always made a clunk if in a turn or on a hill or hard on gas when I go to 4 hi .


New member
Nov 11, 2014
Hey Mike, picked up the rebuild tonight. Yes they said it has the upgrade in it but don't know if what they call an upgrade is just the new alum rear case or if they actually put in the heavy thick washer thing or other upgrade that caused the hole .. I know it is claimed the alum is much stronger and some say that is all that is needed. Something now that is bugging me is the numbers on the new one are different.......... 412-00540 and there is no ID round tag on it. MIne says 263xhd with 1258 1004 then 06 2504 G2 and 272 under accordingly. Any thoughts ? I figure on going to the GM dealer and investigating to make sure before I rip into it. .

As far as the 'clunk' I was always careful not to accelerate when going to 4hi and otherwise it never clunked since new, always smooth even at 60mph other than a little jolt like, no clunk or bad noise...

thanks, Mike


Mar 26, 2017
Brookville, PA
Yes if the case they use is newer than 2007 design you will be good ! Good luck with the # issue you have found , I hope someone can chime in on that issue ! Good luck !


New member
Nov 11, 2014
thanks much, installed finally after a 2 wk bout with the flu (thanks Nancy). The numbers were just the code for the salvage yard I got it from. Got it done in about 5 hrs taking it out and prep myself and had help putting it in. Of course my cheap gear wrench set didn't have a 15 or 18mm in it and my impact socket set didn't have the 18mm either for the cross brace ! Not the first time I didn't have the right size either with that set, must be a conspiracy with the wrench dealers I think .. Just loosened the last bolt on the brace and swung it sideways and had the front up on ramps and jacked the one side on the rear while blocking the other with the emer. brake.. plenty of room for creepers. Sure wasn't a 3-4 hundred dollar job like the big shops wanted.. guess they would rather drink coffee and tell jokes than to make an honest buck ! Was able to carefully take apart the clamp on the front boot and reuse it too, cool. Good for at least another 2K