DIDC III Payouts as of date.
8500 Workstock: 1st 80% of total hook money
2nd 20% of total hook money
8000 2.6:1st$1,200 ,2nd$800, 3rd $600 , 4th$400, 5th$200, 6th$100 Total $3,300
8000 Outlaw: 1st $1,200, 2nd $800, 3rd$600, 4th$400, 5th$200 6th$100 Total$3,300
8000 Workstock: 1st$1,000, 2nd$800, 3rd$600,, 4th$400, 5th$200 6th$100 Total$3,100
8500 2.61st 80% of total hook money, 2nd20% of total hook moneyTotal
8500 Outlaw1st 80% of total hook money 2nd20% of total hook moneyTotal
9500lb Hotfarm1st 600,2nd 400,3rd200,4th100, Total1300