I have a 4L80E that I have converted to full manual. No more computer control or automatic shifts. The question I have for any of you with knowlege of this trans is, due to the fact that the manual VB kit doesn't touch the torque converter lock up circuit and I don't wish to run an oil flow conversion for a non-lockup converter, and also the fact that the factory TCC solenoid is PWM and not able to take continuous 12 volt power without burining out.....can I run a tcc solenoid from a 4L60E that is non PWM and rated for continuous opperation? I believe that there are a few model years that had the non-PWM apply solenoid for TCC in the 4L60E...
What I am getting at is since the computer control module will no longer be used, and the VB is full manual I also need a way to manually control the TCC lockup.
Thanks guys
What I am getting at is since the computer control module will no longer be used, and the VB is full manual I also need a way to manually control the TCC lockup.
Thanks guys