Recent content by duramaxzak

  1. duramaxzak

    03' GMC SoCal stroker

    Yea probably not, that’s along haul from me. I only made it into Wisconsin twice last summer.
  2. duramaxzak

    03' GMC SoCal stroker

    Well it’s been along time since I updated this thread. Still have this truck and still doing truck pulls with it in the summer. I usually pull in King of street class or Hot street class. Took home 7 1st places, 1 2nd place and 1 4th place last summer and no broken parts! Upgraded the S491/100...
  3. duramaxzak

    Info: Powerstop, EBC, or stock brakes?

    I have 133k on truck now and brakes are still working great. I rotated tires about a month ago and pads look close to new thickness yet.
  4. duramaxzak

    Front axle limited slip

    Wouldn’t the G80 be spinning in the wrong direction in the front axle to even work? Because I don’t believe a G80 works in reverse....
  5. duramaxzak

    Best NP263XHD Prebuilt Case or Rebuild Kit

    I’ve also heard nothing but good stuff about Kodak t-cases.
  6. duramaxzak

    LML Callies Durastar Crankshaft Issues??

    FYI, The block has about a 50% chance of being junk. I’ve pulled apart about a dozen motors with broken cranks, and about half of them wrecked the block.
  7. duramaxzak

    Doing Head Gasket Job, doing a very mild build at same time; wanting insight

    SoCal also sells a good budget rod for around $1700, I would do delipped LB7/LLY pistons and a aftermarket rod before doing stock rods and Mahle race cast pistons.
  8. duramaxzak

    Magnaflow 5” full system feedback ?

    I have a 5” Magnaflow on my 03’ LB7 with no muffler, the biggest reason I went with it was because it’s true 5” from the front to the back, most 5” kits are 4” for about the first 4 feet, than transition into 5”. It fit pretty good for the size. I was looking for the highest flowing because...
  9. duramaxzak

    Cummins Killer III

    It’s running a mechanical injection pump now. (P-pump).
  10. duramaxzak

    Cummins Killer III

    Cam broke
  11. duramaxzak

    White Letters or Not?

    I like white letters out on 16” and 17” wheels, but black wall on 18’s and bigger.
  12. duramaxzak


  13. duramaxzak

    Travel Trailer Suggestions

    I would definitely get a fifth wheel, they pull so much better and you can pull another trailer behind it, like a boat or ATV. Also with kids the bunch house models work best for giving the kids them there own bunch beds and space.
  14. duramaxzak

    Info: Powerstop, EBC, or stock brakes?

    figured I would give a update on the Powerstop Z36 brake kit I put on my 2011 2500HD. I’ve put approximately 3k miles on them. I have pulled our 35’ fifth wheel camper a couple of times and my built 03’ 2500hd on a 22’ equipment trailer. I am very happy with them, they definitely give more...
  15. duramaxzak

    Vibrant HD Clamp Jig