Recent content by cnote1115

  1. C

    Local shops in ND

    Any updates on shops in ND?
  2. C

    Minot Farm Show

    It was a nice show.Cant wait till next yer.
  3. C

    Have you guys seen this? Crazy

    Wow !!!!!
  4. C

    07.5 :) first duramax

    Looks nice
  5. C


    I'm so sick of it being a black community vs a white community thing white on white murders are just as senseless .Why can't it be us as Americans commit senseless murders .It's the "Us vs Them" mentality that keeps this race war baiting trash going.
  6. C


    Well if your using that logic maybe you should do some research 84% of white people are killed by other white people .That's a fact you wont here on Fox news lol.
  7. C

    New Mike L Trans Kit

    Anymore info on this kit?
  8. C

    New Mike L Trans Kit
